Firmware Development

DataFlask builds reliable and secure firmware for hardware with specialization in FPGA and glues logic. We build secure, patchable bare-metal software….

Multi-Cloud Deployment

Most businesses use more than one cloud service provider to avoid vendor lock-in. At DataFlask, we have the….

Hybrid Cloud Deployment

DataFlask empowers you to orchestrate simultaneous usage of public and private clouds. Save costs with private cloud and maintain data security – both at the….

Private Cloud Deployment

We at DataFlask acknowledge that not all workloads need to be shifted to a third-party, public cloud. We have the expertise to build an on-prem private cloud that can have a….

Public Cloud Deployment

Harness the power of public cloud platforms like AWS, Azure or Google Cloud Platform. Seamlessly scale up or down your cloud resources, save cost with a….

Seamless Data Migration

DataFlask handholds enterprises in taking their leap into the world of the cloud. We offer seamless lifting and shifting of data from on-prem infrastructure to cloud based…..

Build a Dependable Data Warehouse

With our extensive data modelling, we create a robust data warehouse where the transformed data remains ready to use for analytics. At DataFlask, we believe in vendor….

Build a Solid Data Lake

DataFlask follows all the best practices to build an effective, stable and organised Data Lake. All your semi-structured and unstructured will have a unified home. And don’t worry about Data Lake turning…

End To End Data Pipeline

Stand on the shoulder of our Data Engineering Services to build an end-to-end, automated Data ETL pipeline. From automated extraction to transformation and keeping the data….

Cloud Platform Management

Modern MSPs have the capacity to manage cloud platforms for their clients. It is necessary to have a dedicated monitoring team to ensure that all the cloud…